Sunday, January 28, 2007

Picasso Was As Funny As His Paintings

I mention tidbits from Seth Godin's blog enough that I wonder why you continue reading mine. Just visit his. No I'm not channelling Seth (I wish) he alternately makes me laugh and makes me think. Today he made me laugh.

From Seth's Blog:

Ed shares this story with us, via a friend of Pablo Picasso.

I was staying with Picasso in his studio. Every day, dealers would come by to authenticate paintings they were trying to sell... they would ask the painter if the painting was real or a fake.

A dealer came by one day, Picasso glanced at it and without hesitating said, "fake." Later that day, two more were identified as fakes.

The second day, a different dealer came by. Picasso hardly looked up. "Fake!" he bellowed.

After the dealer left, I couldn't help myself. "Picasso, why did you say that painting was a fake? I was here, in this studio, last year when I saw you paint it."

Picasso didn't hesitate. He turned to me and said, "I often paint fakes."

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