Sunday, October 01, 2006

Brawny Man, The Future of TV?

We saw this commercial for a reality show Brawny Academy (yeah, as in paper towels). My first thought was, "someone is actually going to air this?". Then, I see that it's only available online at It's an online, multi episode tv show (flash based). We're 7 episodes into this bizarre series and can't turn it off. It's cheesy, it has more product tie ins than you've ever seen. It's a throwback to old TV, no commercials, all sponship. ...and yet... its fun!

Certainly it's not any dumber than most cable reality shows. Like Extreme Home Makeover, it's a woman's show disguised as a man's show. Lot's of men in the woods learn to to empathize with their wives and become more manly men in the process.

So is this the future of TV? Advertisers taking back control of content? The return of soap operas sponsored by soap companies? For better or worse, I'm impressed that Georgia-Pacific went out on a limb with this one. Even if it's terrible, it takes guts to do something like this.

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