Monday, August 08, 2005

Kudos to Wide Orbit for v4.2

We just got the upgrade to Wide Orbit 4.2 and they've done a nice job with the improvements. These were the features we saw at the user conference in June and it's nice to have them in hand.

For my group (Finance):
  • Combined cash/trade reporting is a big hit. We like software that makes the CFO smile.
  • Being able to move order dates from just the header is a big win on a day to day basis

Both of these are huge steps forward. Now if we could just fix:

  • Those pesky decimal places in order lines
  • Commission based on payments (I know, it's coming!)

I'd be a happy camper. Actually, I'd probably find something else to fix but that's just human nature isn't it?

I don't want to leave on a negative, the Wide Orbiters did a great job with the new release. It looks slick and has a lot of nice features. We've only been running it for 5 days and all the comments have been positive so far. Thanks again and I hope San Fran is still pretty.

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